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svgadminsvgJune 11, 2015svgNews

Livni Defends Actor Who Boycotted ‘Settlement’

MK Tzipi Livni (Zionist Union) blasted Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) and Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev (Likud) Thursday and called them “Netanyahu’s natural allies in nationalistic brainwashing.”

She referred, in her Facebook page, to Bennett’s recent actions against state funding of a play based on an Arab terrorist’s musings, and to Regev’s intention to withdraw support for an Arab actor and theater director who has refused to perform in a “settlement” in Samaria.

While she blamed both Bennett and Regev for assisting “delegitimization” of Israel on the world stage, she conceded that Bennett’s objection to the play based on the writings of terrorist murderer Walid Daka made sense.

However, Livni had no empathy for Regev’s statement, that she would reexamine state support for Norman Issa’s theater troupe, after Issa refused to perform in a community near the Jordan River, in a Haifa Theater production that he stars in.

Regev announced she would “reconsider” state funding to Issa’s Arab-Jewish theater. “I was disappointed to hear that Norman Issa is refusing to appear with the Haifa Theater in the Jordan Valley as part of the play ‘Boomerang’,” she wrote on Facebook of the popular Arab-Israeli actor.

“If Norman doesn’t change his mind, I intend to reconsider the ministry’s support of Al-Mina Theater, which he manages,” she wrote.

“I found it painful to hear Norman Issa asking not to be forced to do something against his conscience,” Livni said. “It is his right not to perform, and cutting the budget to his children’s theater – about which there is no doubt that it promotes coexistence – only because of his views, is an unbearable act of brutality. This is a vulgar intervention by Regev and it is a coarse interpretation of the perception that anyone who disagrees with her world view endangers the state.” 

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