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svgadminsvgJanuary 1, 2015svgNews

Likud’s New Knesset List Starts to Emerge

With over 40% percent of the votes cast in the Likud primaries counted, a clearer picture of the Likud’s likely new Knesset list is starting to emerge. 

At the top of the list is current Chairman and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who easily defeated sole opponent Danny Danon for the position of chairman. 

Netanyahu is followed by Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein, who has received 16,123 votes. In third is Interior Minister Gilad Erdan with 14,997 votes, followed by Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz with 13,617. 

Likely to take the fifth spot on the Knesset list is Internal Affairs and Environment Committee Chairwoman Miri Regev – now the highest-ranked woman in Likud. 

In sixth place is Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom with 11,434 votes. 

Defense Minister Moshe (Bogie) Ya’alon is is seventh place with 10,202, followed closely by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, Yariv Levin, now stationed in eighth place. 

In ninth is Deputy Foreign Minister Tzachi Hanegbi with 9,799 votes. House Commitee Chairman Ze’ev Elkin is in tenth with 9,592 and MK Gila Gamliel in eleventh with 9,455. Trailing behind them are Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz and MK Danny Danon. 

The gaps between those ranked between ninth and thirteenth place are very small, however. 

In 14th place is the Deputy Minister of Transportation Tzipi Hotovely. She is followed by Deputy Minister Ofir Akunis in 15th, and MK Haim Katz in 16th. The difference between the three is extremely small. 

Former Minister of Internal Security and Shin Bet head Avi Dichter is in 17th place, followed by Moshe Feiglin in 18th, Ayoub Kara in 19th, and Pinchas Edan in 20th. 

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, as voted by Likud Central Committee Members, will also appoint the number 11 and 23 positions of the Likud list. 

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