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admin November 22, 2011 News

Lieberman: Outpost Demolition is a ‘Red Line’

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told members of his faction that the ruling coalition will fall apart if the government acts to dismantle communities in Judea and Samaria, Yisrael Hayom reported.

Destruction of the outposts whose fate is currently under debate is “a red line,” he told Yisrael Beitenu MKs. “The government will fall apart if communities are evicted.”

“These are not small outposts but communities with dozens of families,” Lieberman said. “The fact that Talia Sasson [the ultra-leftist who authored a Justice Ministry report on the outposts – ed.] determined that these are illegal outposts does not bind us. These are legal communities that were built legally, with all of the necessary approvals. Eviction of the communities is a red line for us, and not just for us. The Likud and the Jewish Home will also experience a rebellion against this.”

According to Yisrael Hayom, Lieberman was referring mainly to Givat Assaf and Migron.

The state asked the High Court for a six-month postponement in which to decide if it will tear down Givat Assaf and Migron. The court is to announce in a few days’ time if it accepts the request.

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