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svgadminsvgJanuary 30, 2016svgNews

Liberman slams ‘worthless government’ for no response to Hamas

Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman has once again attacked Israel’s government, slamming Sunday morning its lack of response to Hamas’ assertions it is rebuilding its terrorist tunnel infrastructure.

Hamas deputy leader Ismail Haniyeh publicly confirmed Friday the group is developing its military capabilities and rebuilding the underground tunnels leading from Gaza to Israel in preparation for a future conflict. 

“The government didn’t even respond to Haniyeh’s statement that [Hamas] is continued to dig tunnels and produce missiles,” Liberman blasted on Army Radio. “This is a worthless government.”

The former foreign minister also addressed a French initiative to jumpstart the peace process between Israel and the Palestinian Authority through the convening of an international peace conference. 

“A regional initiative is a blessed thing, but in terms of timing at the moment, this is not the right time,” he argued. “All the countries are busy with themselves. It’s clear the conference would be unilateral.”

“In any case, this initiative should be regarded not as diplomatic maneuver but rather as an ultimatum so blatant the Israel government should reject it out of hand,” Liberman insisted. 

“I don’t know if the the initiative stems from a lack of understanding or frustration after a a failure of French foreign policy – an ongoing failure in Syria, central and western Africa, and regarding the situation in Iraq and Yemen.” 

“In any case,” he stressed, “this initiative should not be referred to as a diplomatic step but as a blunt ultimatum.”

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