Speaking Thursday on a tour of Druze and Circassian villages in northern Israel, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said that the terror attack on Monday night, in which police officer Baruch Mizrahi was murdered by an Arab terrorist, “reminds us, for those who may have forgotten, that Israel is faced with a large group of neighbors who have no problem using terror to achieve their goals, and whose leaders would never think of condemning the murder of a man whose only crime was to travel with his family to celebrate a holiday.
“Any arrangement or deal that is made will have to be based on a security guarantee for Israel, and full recognition of Israel as a Jewish state by the Palestinians,” Liberman added.
Liberman praised the Druze Circassian communities, saying that they were a “great example of the loyalty of minorities to the State of Israel. My party, Yisrael Beyteinu, has worked extensively with members of the community, helping them to integrate in Israeli society in general and specific in more senior positions.”
Liberman added that many members of the community worked in his Foreign Ministry, running special courses to train them for diplomatic positions. “We will continue to work towards strengthening the position of these communities and to enable them to take their place in Israeli society,” he added