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svgadminsvgMay 15, 2016svgNews

Liberman: Netanyahu’s government is not right-wing

Yisrael Beytenu chairman MK Avigdor Liberman sharply criticized Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu Sunday, over the latter’s efforts to create a unity government with the left-wing Zionist Union. 

“All of Netanyahu’s spins do not change one simple fact: that again, in stark contrast to what he had promised during elections, he is negotiating with [Zionist Union chairmen Yitzhak] Herzog and Tzipi [Livni] – the same party that, only a year ago, he called ‘not Zionist’,” Liberman fumed on Facebook. 

“It is not surprising that the Netanyahu government is not a right-wing government: it is not fighting terrorism but containing it, and telling the citizens of Israel that this is a decree from heaven; it’s not building Jerusalem or the settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria; it’s returning the bodies of terrorists; and in short, any connection between it and the national camp is definitely coincidental.” 

“Do not be tempted by cheap spins – Bibi wants Yitzhak there, and the rest is just nonsense.” 

Liberman has been highly critical of Netanyahu since the 2015 elections, attacking him on several occasions for only maintaining the appearance of a right-wing government, which he has promised his Yisrael Beytenu party would provide in practice. 

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