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svgadminsvgJune 23, 2015svgNews

Liberman: A Government That Allows Rocket Fire Shouldn’t Exist

Following yet another rocket attack from Gaza on southern Israel, Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman said on Tuesday night that Israel cannot put up with “trickling” of rocket fire.

“Those who are willing to absorb trickling – will eventually receive torrential rain. We must not accept this situation,” warned MK Liberman, adding, “A government that is ready to accept the situation, less than a year after the military operation in which we paid a high price in the lives of soldiers and the disruption of life in the entire country for two months, has no right to exist.”

“This situation is intolerable, unacceptable and we must put an end to it,” he added.

MK Haim Yellin of Yesh Atid, who lives in one of the communities near the Gaza border, urged the government to take action against the rocket attacks and called on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to condemn the rocket fire.

“I expect the Secretary-General to strongly condemn the war crimes committed tonight from Gaza and urge the Israeli government to stop looking at the goings on from the side, defend Israeli citizens and work for a political horizon,” said Yellin.

The “Color Red” siren was sounded after 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday night in the Hof Ashkelon regional council area, a region that has been a frequent target of Hamas rockets from Gaza.

The IDF confirmed that a rocket launch from Gaza was identified. Reports indicate that a succession of explosions was heard.

Just before 10:30 p.m. a rocket was found in the Hof Ashkelon region, having fallen in an open area and caused no damage.

In recent weeks there have been several instances of rocket fire from Gaza, with a local Salafist group affiliated with Islamic State (ISIS) taking credit and threatening more attacks.

Two weeks ago on Thursday was the most recent case of rocket fire, but the IDF appraised that the rocket apparently fell within Gaza. The attack came just a week after another rocket attack claimed by the ISIS affiliate.

Hamas contacted Israel after that rocket strike and said the ISIS group conducted it so as to cause conflict between Israel and Hamas, as an act of revenge after the Salafists and Hamas have been clashing in Gaza.

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