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svgadminsvgJanuary 10, 2016svgNews

Leftist MK suggests equipping all Israelis with protective vests

Zionist Union MK Yoel Hasson has proposed a new law that would require the state to distribute protective vests to all Israeli citizens in an effort to defend them against stabbing attacks. 

According to Hasson, the personal safety of Israelis has been negatively impacted in the last few months by the ongoing wave of Arab terror. Protective vests, he insists, would help restore some of the security. 

“So far, dozens of Israelis have been murdered and hundreds others have been wounded as result of the terror wave,” he explained to Haaretz

“More than that, due to the feeling of panic and helplessness, several terrible incidents have occurred in which innocent people were accidentally suspected as terrorists.”

Providing citizens with protective vests “will reduce the risk of fatal harm during terror attacks,” Hasson added. “A similar step was taken during the Gulf War and other times of tension … when gas masks were distributed among all residents of the state.”

He claimed the considerable expense and complicated logistics of implementing such a security measure was outweighed by “the need to provide the residents of the state with personal security.” 

The Minister Committee for Legislation will discuss the bill on Sunday and is expected to reject Hasson’s proposal. 


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