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svgadminsvgApril 30, 2015svgNews

Left Blasts Netanyahu Over Coalition Agreements

MKs from the left on Wednesday had harsh criticism of the coalition agreements signed between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and the Kulanu and United Torah Judaism (UTJ) parties.

Responding to the agreement with UTJ, Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid blasted Netanyahu for agreeing to cancel the controversial enlistment law compelling haredim to enlist into the IDF or face criminal sanctions.

“Netanyahu is selling the values ​​of the State of Israel in exchange for a coalition,” charged Lapid, who made similar accusations earlier in the day, in a post on Facebook.

“The Prime Minister, who claims he is the head of a Zionist party, sold the values ​​of equality and the sharing of the burden to non-Zionist parties. Netanyahu is serving the bill to the public servant and employee, to those soldiers and reservists who only last summer fiercely defended the people of the south. Yesh Atid will never give up and fight for this historic law,” he added.

“Dear Likud members, did you vote Likud so that the children of the haredim will again receive an exemption from military service? Do you really want the haredim not to enter the job market? When you voted Likud, did you want a large and bloated government with unnecessary ministers costing hundreds of millions? Does it not bother you that non-Zionist parties are managing the Likud and the nationalist camp with a firm hand? Is this what you longed for? Really?” Lapid continued.

Meanwhile, MK Yitzhak Herzog, who heads the Zionist Union party, blasted a clause in the agreement that would limit the Supreme Court’s ability to cancel Knesset laws and interfere in the Knesset’s authority.

“They are threatening the judges, they are threatening journalists, they are threatening Israeli democracy. We will not allow it!” wrote Herzog on his Facebook page.

MK Tzipi Livni (Zionist Union) also reacted to the agreement, writing on Twitter, “The elected Prime Minister cancels the initiatives supported by the former Prime Minister – equal burden, easing of the conversion process for olim and the protection of the [Supreme] Court. The masks have been removed.”

“Now that he is free of any barriers, it turns out that throughout all the years that Netanyahu talked about enemies, he actually meant the media, democracy and the Court,” she added.

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