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svgadminsvgMay 10, 2015svgNews

Lapid: Zionist Union Would Make the Haredim the Same Offer

MK Yair Lapid, head of the Yesh Atid, launched a verbal tirade against the Zionist Union on Saturday.

In his remarks, Lapid blasted the party for failing to criticize Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s new coalition.

“I do not understand their silence,” he said at a cultural event in Tel Aviv. “The education system in the State of Israel will now be ruled by three sectoral parties: Bennett, chairman of the Jewish Home, will serve as Minister of Education, Porush from United Torah Judaism will be Deputy Minister of Education and Meshulam Nahari from Shas will be chairman of the Education Committee of the Knesset – two of them (Shas and United Torah Judaism) are opposed to the very idea of ​​a core curriculum.”

“This is a recipe for disaster, and the Zionist Union remains silent because everyone knows that they would give these parties the same thing and even more, and perhaps they are waiting for the phone call inviting them to participate in this party,” charged Lapid, who added, “If they do not lead the opposition – we will lead it.”

Lapid also slammed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, calling the decision to expand the number of ministers in the government “political corruption”. He then once again threatened, as he did on Friday, that his party will appeal to the Supreme Court over the issue.

“They tell us that this does not affect the budget, which is a blatant lie. I was finance minister and you can’t sell me such nonsense,” he said.

“This move will cost hundreds of millions of shekels, and that’s why it is political corruption. Every additional ministry produces more jobs and all these things cost a fortune. It is fraud to tell the ministers that there is no budgetary cost to this. This is public money that should go to welfare, health and all that matters for the citizens of Israel,” continued Lapid.

The Yesh Atid chairman also noted his good relations with Yisrael Beytenu chairman Avigdor Liberman and applauded his decision not to join the coalition.

“I called Liberman after he announced he would not join the coalition and congratulated him. This is a correct and brave step. We work together very well together. For example the law reducing the cabinet to 18 ministers, which we passed together,” said Lapid.

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