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svgadminsvgJanuary 14, 2015svgNews

Labor Members Give Yechimovich Top Spot on Knesset List

MK Shelly Yechimovich received the most votes in Tuesday’s primaries in the Labor party, according to preliminary results published Wednesday morning.

Yechimovich will be placed in the number 3 spot on the Labor party’s list for the Knesset, due to the unity agreement between Labor and Tzipi Livni’s Hatnua party.

After Yechimovich, who lost the party leadership to Yitzhak Herzog in 2013, Labor party members gave the most votes to Stav Shaffir, Itzik Shmuli and Merav Michaeli.

MK Eitan Cabel, who was seen as Yechimovich’s rival for the top spot, was only ranked in the 10th spot on the list, which is still likely a realistic spot.

The polling stations closed just after 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday night, with a voter turnout of 58.9%, higher than the 57% recorded in the last primaries. Official results will be announced at 9:30 a.m., but a preliminary result shows that the list is as follows:

1.Yitzhak Herzog
2.Hatnua (Tzipi Livni)
3.Shelly Yechimovich
4.Stav Shaffir
5.Itzik Shmuli
6. Omer Bar Lev
7. Hilik Bar
8. Hatnua (Amir Peretz)
9. Merav Michaeli
10. Eitan Cabel
11. Reserved for a candidate of the chairman’s choice
12. Erel Margalit
13. Mickey Rosenthal
14. Revital Sueid
15. Danny Atar
16. Hatnua (Manuel Trajtenberg)
17. Zohir Bahalul
18. Eitan Broshi
19. Michal Biran
20. Nahman Shai
21. Hatnua
22. Ayelet Nahmias Verbin
23. Yossi Yona
24. Hatnua
25. Hatnua

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