Former heavyweight boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko of the Ukraine has added to the backlash against the current heavyweight champion, Britain’s Tyson Fury, after the latter made anti-Semitic comments on an online rant last month, saying “the Zionist, Jewish people…own all the banks, all the papers, all the TV stations.”
Klitschko was talking about Fury in anticipation of their title bout in Manchester next month. Klitschko will be out for revenge after Fury took the heavyweight title from him in November of last year.
Fury has apologized for his remarks but Klitschko said he should still be banned from boxing.
“I was in shock at his statements about women, the gay community, and when he got to the Jewish people he sounded like Hitler. The man is an imbecile. Seriously,” said the former champion.
He went on to express concern for the reputation of the sport if it’s represented by boxers like Fury. “We cannot have a champion like that. Either he needs to be shut up or shut down in the ring, or just suspended, because you cannot create more hate.”
Whether Klitschko is actually particularly concerned with the feelings of those attacked by Fury’s remarks, or whether this is just so much pre-fight bluster, is anybody’s guess. Either way, it appears they will both have plenty to motivate them when they meet in the ring on July 9th.