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svgadminsvgJune 2, 2015svgNews

Kerry to Continue Taking Part in Iran Talks Despite Injury

The White House said Monday it is confident it can still pursue Iran nuclear talks despite Secretary of State John Kerry’s injury over the weekend.

Kerry left Europe for the United States earlier in the day, after breaking his leg in a cycling accident near Scionzier in France.

“We do continue to believe that we have the time and resources necessary to pursue, and hopefully complete, the Iran negotiations,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters, according to Reuters.

Earnest stressed that Kerry would continue to play a critical role in the talks, although it was unclear exactly what his capacity to participate would be in the coming weeks.

Iran and the six world powers are holding ongoing discussions aimed at turning a preliminary deal into a permanent one by a June 30 deadline.

The sides made a major breakthrough at talks with Iran on April 2 by agreeing on the parameters for a final deal to scale back its nuclear capabilities, but still have a series of technical issues to resolve by the looming deadline.

Washington made clear last week that it will not consider an extension to reach an agreement on curbing Iran’s nuclear program, despite indications from France and Iran that talks may stretch into July.

While world powers have talked about a gradual rolling back of sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program, Iran has demanded that all sanctions be lifted immediately upon signing an agreement. The disagreement on the lifting of sanctions is one of a series of points of contention between the sides.

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