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svgadminsvgNovember 1, 2013svgNews

Kenya Bombs Somali Al-Qaeda Camp

Kenya’s air force bombed an al-Qaeda linked al-Shabab training camp housing 300 terrorists in Somalia’s south-western Dinsoor region, even as al-Shabab denies the attack, according to Al-Jazeera.

The attack was said to be in retaliation for the terrorist attack on Nairobi’s Westgate Mall in September.

CNN reports that Col. Cyrus Oguna, spokesman for the Kenyan Defense Force, said the raid was part of a wider operation by AMISOM (the UN-backed African peacekeeping force in Somalia), which will continue to target similar sites.

He further stated that the Nairobi Mall attackers did their training at the targeted area.

Of the 300 terrorists at the camp many are believed killed or injured although precise figures are still unknown. The Kenyan military reports that the training camp, located in Hurguun, was destroyed, along with four improvised vehicles and a weapons store.

The military maneuver follows a Kenyan drone strike on Monday that took out two al-Shabab leaders.

However, Al-Jazeera reports that al-Shabab denies the raid took place.

Reports further indicate that the UN-backed mission against al-Shabab has lost strength lately, and requires a surge of troops and assistance to break the impasse in Somalia.

On September 21, terrorists with automatic weapons and grenades captured the upscale Westgate Mall in Nairobi, conducting a four day attack that left at least 67 dead.

The al-Qaeda linked al-Shabab terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack, listing Kenyan military involvement in Somalia as their reason for attacking.

Kenya continues to take action against the perpetrators of the intricately organized Westgate Mall attack which was planned and carried out by terrorists from several nations. 5 new suspects were arrested just this Thursday.

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