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svgadminsvgNovember 2, 2011svgNews

Jubilation in Efrat Over New Housing

The Efrat local authority has declared “a day of celebration” following news that the government has approved 300 housing units in the town for construction and sale. The infrastructures for the units have been in place for years but the government has not allowed the marketing of a single plot in Efrat for over a decade.

“This is a day of joy for us,” an official in the authority explained, “because the natural growth in the town and the new olim who seek specifically to live in Gush Etzion have caused the town to continue growing, but the number of houses in the town did not grow, so a cramped situation was created.”

The authority hopes that the government decision will be implemented quickly and that it will be possible to market the apartments that have been awaiting residents for 10 years.

Efrat has been waging a sophisticated media campaign for renewal of construction. In one anonymously published video, a woman named Efrat was seen voicing disappointment over a man named Binyamin who neglected her after promising her the world. The video left people guessing, and eventually turned out to have been produced by the Efrat authority. The names of the protagonists referred to the town of Efrat and to Binyamin Netanyahu, who was not living up to promises he made to develop Efrat.

svgRocket Attack Simulation Drill Set for Holon
svg2,300 Units Approved in Efrat, Har Homa, Ramot, Maaleh Adumim