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svgadminsvgMay 7, 2015svgNews

Jewish Home Denies Jobs Have Been Decided

The Jewish Home party officially denied Thursday reports that Rabbi MK Eli Ben Dahan will be the party’s choice for Deputy Defense Minister and that MK Nissan Slomiansky will be its choice for heading the Knesset’s Committee for Law, Constitution and Justice.

“The internal division of duties within the Jewish Home has not yet been decided (except for the posts of ministers, of course),” said the party spokesman.

“All publications on the matter are baseless,” he added. Decisions will be made on Sunday.”

Earlier in the day, MK Yinon Magal (Jewish Home) said that MK Ben Dahan would, indeed, be the next Deputy Defense Minister. “He is the next in line in the list [after Bennett, Ariel and Shaked],” he explained. “It is the most legitimate and the most proper thing.”

So far, Jewish Home has confirmed that party leader Naftali Bennett will be in charge of the Education and Diaspora portfolios, MK Ayelet Shaked will be Justice Minister, and MK Uri Ariel will be Agriculture Minister.

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