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svgadminsvgAugust 30, 2015svgNews

Jew to Stand Trial for Fighting Back after Ambush

Well-known Jewish activist Noam Federman of Kiryat Arba will stand trial for an incident last year in which Arabs ambushed his vehicle with rocks.

Federman will be charged with damaging a vehicle.

The incident took place when Federman was driving through Hevron with two of his children. They were ambushed at close range. Federman and his son immediately got out of their car and chased the rock throwers into an alley.

In the alley, Arabs threw more rocks at Federman and his son, who threw rocks back. A video shot by Arabs shows Federman approaching an Arab vehicle, pulling out some egg cartons that were in it and throwing them onto the ground. He also appears to hurl a rock at the vehicle.

According to Federman, when police questioned him, they showed him a military video showing how an IDF vehicle was attacked at the same spot just before his vehicle got there. Instead of catching the attackers, the soldiers drove off, he said – leading the ambushers to attack his car next.

Federman said that Judea and Samaria Police filed the charge sheet without first holding a hearing with him as he had requested. 

“It is a very grave matter, that the prosecution in the State of Israel has turned the attacked into the accused,” he said. “We all know that rocks were thrown at me and my family, and all my actions were in self defense. I intend to turn this trial into a political one, which will examine the IDF’s policy of restraint in Judea and Samaria. The policy has led, and is leading, to the murder of Jews and one must not remain silent, even at the cost of a charge sheet.”

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