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svgadminsvgJuly 4, 2016svgNews

Jerusalem school bus driver arrested for sexual assault

A driver for a haredi girl’s school in Jerusalem was arrested on Sunday, amid suspicions he repeatedly sexually assaulted a 13-year old passenger over the course of a year.

The man, a resident of the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo, allegedly assaulted the young girl, who was assigned to assist students enter and exit the vehicle.

According to the police report, after the driver had dropped off all of the students assigned to his route, he would drive the victim to a secluded area to commit his crimes unimpeded, BeHadrei Haredim reported.

Following a complaint by the girl, the driver was arrested and interrogated. Out of consideration for the suspect’s family, Jerusalem police allowed him to voluntary report to a police station rather than arrest him at his home in Ramat Shlomo.

The suspect is scheduled to be brought before a judge Monday morning, where police are expected to request an extension on his arrest.

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