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svgadminsvgAugust 9, 2015svgNews

Israeli Wounded in Stabbing Attack

A 26-year-old Israeli man was wounded lightly in a stabbing attack on Sunday evening at a gas station on Highway 443, which stretches from Lod to Modi’in in central Israel between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The Arab terrorist was shot and eliminated by IDF forces. IDF troops, Border Patrol forces and Magen David Adom (MDA) medical teams are on the scene.

The victim was stabbed in his shoulder and hand, after which IDF forces reacted quickly and shot the terrorist in the leg, inflicting wounds he later died from. The wounded Israeli was evacuated by MDA for continued treatment at Shaare Tzedek Hospital in Jerusalem.

MDA paramedic Inbal Waverman said, “when we arrived at the checkpoint we saw a 26-year-old man with stabbing signs on his upper body being treated by military medical forces.”

“He told us that he was stabbed while fueling his car,” she said. “We gave him medical treatment at the scene and evacuated him in light condition to a hospital in Jerusalem.”

Activist Baruch Marzel, who ran with Otzma Yehudit in the last elections and fell just short of becoming an MK, posted a picture of himself at the scene on Facebook just half-an-hour after the stabbing.

“At the scene of the attack. A distance of several minutes from Ayelet Hashahar Synagogue that the Supreme Court wants to demolish,” wrote Marzel. “At a site where we give in to the Arabs, they see weakness and strike.”

Sunday’s attack comes after another serious attack last Thursday, when an Arab terrorist ran over three IDF soldiers at Sinjil junction, near Shiloh in Samaria, several kilometers north of Jerusalem.

Three soldiers were wounded, one lightly and two seriously. The critically wounded troops were rushed to hospital treatment and doctors later reported that they were clear of life-threatening danger.

The recent rise in terror has also come from Gaza, where rockets were fired at Israel last Friday night and last Thursday night, as well as last Saturday night – all despite the ceasefire agreement signed ending last summer’s Hamas terror war.

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