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svgadminsvgJune 29, 2015svgNews

Israel-Germany: No Boycott

A joint German-Israeli Innovation Day was held in Tel Aviv on Monday as part of celebrations to mark 50 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 

Attending the exhibition and conference at the David International Hotel was German Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel as well as a delegation of German business officials.

In addition to honoring the half a century of diplomacy, the point of Innovation Day was also to promote bilateral trade relations between Israel and Germany. 

“Business relations between Israel and Germany are expanding every day,” Hemdat Sagi, the Economy Ministry’s Commercial Attache in Berlin, told Arutz Sheva. 

“Israeli companies are looking to sell in Germany and vice versa,” Sagi explained. “This event today proves how interesting Israeli companies are for the German international.” 

Indeed, German participants of the event praised the Israeli start-up scene, particularly for their advances in cyber security as well as their willingness and openness to working with Europe. 

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