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svgadminsvgOctober 28, 2013svgNews

Israel Complains to UN Over Gaza Rocket Fire

Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, filed a complaint on Monday with the UN Security Council, after Gaza-based terrorists fired rockets at southern Israel.

Early Monday morning, the “Red Alert” siren was heard early Monday morning in the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council and in communities in the Gaza belt.

Residents reported hearing several explosions, as four rockets were fired by Gaza terrorists at southern Israel. The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted one of the rockets, and the other three exploded in open areas. There were no physical injuries or damages.

“Instead of committing to improving the lives of Palestinians, Hamas proves time and time again that its only commitment is to terrorism,” Prosor wrote in his letter.

“While Israel works to promote peace, Hamas responds by firing on Israeli civilians. While Israel allows truckloads of construction materials into Gaza, Hamas uses them to build terror tunnels,” he added.

The Israeli ambassador called on the Security Council to condemn the ongoing rocket fire from Gaza.

“After seven years of silence and while peace talks continue, it is time that the Security Council unanimously condemn the firing of rockets from Gaza and the constant terror,” he wrote. “Condemnation by the Council will prove to all the moderates that the Council supports the peace process.”

The Israel Air Force attacked two underground rocket launch pads in northern Gaza Monday morning, in retaliation for the firing of rockets at Israel.

The IDF Spokesman said that the IAF identified accurate hits on target. Palestinian Authority sources reported that one person was injured in the attack.

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