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svgadminsvgJanuary 9, 2016svgNews

Islamic Jihad: The ‘occupier’ only understands force

Khaled al-Batash, a senior member of the Islamic Jihad terrorist group, on Saturday called for a continuation of the violence against Israel, saying history has proven that the Israeli “occupier” only understands force.

Speaking to Hamas’s Palestine newspaper, Batash called for an emergency meeting of the Palestinian leadership, which will also include Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal and Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shallah.

The purpose of the meeting, he explained, is to discuss the current situation, put an end to the split among the Palestinian organizations, to restore the unity and partnership, and determine the course of action against the “occupier” on the basis of a struggle and adherence to fundamental principles.

Batash said that Israel “has not conceded anything and experience has shown that the power and the struggle and steadfastness are the way [to fight Israel], so we need unity.”

“The peace process has long been dead as the Zionists say, and because of their steps on the ground there is no need to continue it because it is not helpful,” said Batash.

“Our first priority is the continuation of the intifada, the continuation of the struggle, and strengthening the partnership as a start towards the liberation of Palestine, all of Palestine,” he declared.

Batash recently declared that his organization will not hesitate to escalate the “intifada” if necessary.

At the time he said that the Palestinian organizations have agreed that the “Al-Quds Intifada”, as they refer to the current wave of terror, will maintain the characteristics of a “popular struggle”, but that should it become necessary to adopt other patterns of struggle, “we are ready for it.”

A senior member of the Islamic Jihad’s political bureau, Muhammad al-Hindi, recently expressed his support for the wave of terror and called to create a unified intifada leadership that will act to coordinate individuals, and will care for the families of “martyrs,” prisoners, and the owners of houses that are destroyed.

On Friday, the Islamic Jihad reacted to Israel’s elimination of Tel Aviv terrorist Nashat Milhem, and threatened to make Israel pay for his death.

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