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svgadminsvgJune 15, 2014svgNews

Iron Dome Intercepts Rockets Over Ashkelon

The Iron Dome anti-missile system intercepted two rockets fired by Gaza terrorists towards the city of Ashkelon on Sunday night.

Over the past two days there has been an escalation in rocket attacks on southern Israel. On Saturday, four rockets were fired from Gaza, causing no physical injuries or damages.

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) later retaliated by launching airstrikes against terror targets in Gaza.

According to the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, the airstrikes targeted three terrorist centers and two weapons depots in southern Gaza, as well a terrorist center in central Gaza.

Direct hits were confirmed and all aircraft returned safely to their bases, the IDF statement said.

It is unclear whether the rocket fire has been connected to events surrounding the kidnapping of three teenage yeshiva boys from Gush Etzion, as Israel has placed responsibility on Hamas and the PA for the attack – and surrounded Gaza with roadblocks to prevent the boys from being taken there.

The Iron Dome, which is designed to intercept rockets that are fired towards populated area, has proven very effective.

Due to its success, it has been placed in other areas that are susceptible to rocket fire, such as the Golan Heights, where an Iron Dome was used to deflect a missile fired at Israel from Syria several weeks ago.

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