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svgadminsvgNovember 24, 2013svgNews

Iranian Team Receives Hero’s Welcome in Tehran

Iran’s Foreign Minister and the other members of the country’s nuclear negotiating team returned home to a hero’s welcome on Sunday.

According to a report in the British Guardian, a group of jubilant Iranians, including family members of nuclear scientists assassinated in recent years, gathered at Tehran’s Mehrabad airport, carrying placards and chanting slogans in support of the deal that was secured in Geneva.

“The ambassador for peace, welcome home,” posted one Iranian on Twitter, referring to Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.

The buoyancy was felt elsewhere in Iran on Sunday, the first day of the working week. Iran’s national currency, the rial, also recovered its value against the dollar by at least 3%, reported the Guardian. Several months ago the Iranian currency plummeted to an all-time low due to the sanctions that were slapped on the Islamic Republic.

In the early hours of Sunday, hundreds of thousands of Iranians stayed up through the night to follow the minute-by-minute coverage of negotiations in Geneva on satellite television or via social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, reported the Guardian.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and the president, Hassan Rouhani, hailed their country’s negotiating team within hours of them reaching an agreement with the west as hawks and hardliners held back fire on the assumption that the deal was approved by officials at the highest level.

“Tomorrow is the 100th day since cabinet was formed and government has been in office. Glad to have reached agreement before 100th day,” Rouhani tweeted.

Rouhani gave a speech to reporters in Tehran, broadcast live on the national television, in which he said the achievements in Geneva were the results of the Iranian people’s vote for moderation.

“In this agreement, the right of Iranian nation to enrich uranium was accepted by world powers,” he said. “With this agreement … the architecture of sanctions will begin to break down.”

Khamenei issued his verdict on the deal, calling it a success.

“This can be the basis for further intelligent actions. Without a doubt the grace of God and the prayers of the Iranian nation were a factor in this success,” Khamenei said in a letter to Rouhani, according to the Guardian.

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