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svgadminsvgSeptember 5, 2015svgNews

Iran Gloats over World Powers’ ‘Surrender’ on Nuclear Deal

Iranian leaders view the nuclear deal signed by western powers as a “surrender” to Iran, and as cementing the Islamic Republic’s status as a “superpower.” 

An analysis by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has shed light on the sense of victory held by Iran’s most senior leadership, as neighboring countries prepare for a surge in terrorism sponsored by an emboldened Tehran. 

Among the comments translated by MEMRI was a statement made by Iranian Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan at an armed forces general command ceremony on August 30, in which he boasted that Iran had forced the “surrender” of the world’s superpowers, led by the US.

“Today, Iran has attained such status that the superpowers have surrendered to it, because of its majesty, its steadfastness, its resistance, and its unity. Despite their great pride, the regime of the arrogance [the West, led by the U.S.] sat humbly behind the negotiating table and obeyed the rights of the Iranian nation,” he said.

Less than a week earlier, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s official website published a poster hailing the ascendancy of Iran as a regional hegemon.

Entitled “The Iron Fist,” the poster was meant to symbolize Iran’s might and stubbornness both during and following negotiations for an agreement, which will grant it total sanctions relief in exchange for only limited curbs on its nuclear program.

The text accompanying the poster reads: “Those who leveled sanctions against us yesterday are dying today, because Iran has become the region’s foremost military power. The Islamic Republic of Iran has proven that it works diligently to defend itself. The entire nation unites as a solid fist, standing fast against the aggressors who lack all reason.”

Further illustrating the Islamic Republic’s aggressive stance, the “Iron Fist” in the image consists of military equipment, including missiles, jets, ships and tanks.

The rhetorical bombast comes as Iran has been carrying out several high-profile military drills, which according to numerous reports are the result of fears of a possible Israeli strike on nuclear sites.

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