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svgadminsvgJanuary 21, 2016svgNews

Interior Minister revokes residency permits of 4 Arab terrorists

Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) revoked on Thursday the residency permits of four Arab terrorists from eastern Jerusalem who carried out attacks in the Armon Hanatziv neighborhood around Rosh Hashana last year. 

Three of the residents – Alulid Paras Atarash, Mohammed Salah Abu Kaf and Abed Dawiat – carried out the deadly rock-throwing attack on the eve of the Jewish new year in September. 

The three threw rocks at Jewish vehicles at a major traffic artery in Jerusalem in an “act of retaliation” and identification with the Al Aqsa mosque atop the Temple Mount. 

As a result of their rock-throwing, Israeli motorist Alexander Levlovitz lost control of his car and perished, while another Israeli was seriously injured. 

The fourth terrorist whose residency status was revoked is Bilal Abu Ghanem, who carried out the October shooting attack on a Jerusalem in which three Israelis were killed and scores injured. His accomplice was shot dead at the scene by border police.

With his signature, Deri used his authority to revoke the permits under Section 11(a) of the Entry into Israel Law form 1952. 

Noting the exceptionality of the move, Deri stressed the severity of the four’s attacks justified the decision. 

“While committing these terror acts, these attackers took advantage of their freedom of movement in Israel, which stems from their being licensed permanent residency status in Israel, with Israeli identity cards.”

“Residency status requires a commitment and basic loyalty,” Deri stressed. “Residents, and particularly permanent residents, are not simply granted right without obligations, and as such, the status encompasses the duties and responsibilities of a person wants to hold it and keep it.”

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