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svgadminsvgJune 22, 2014svgNews

IDF Search Goes Underground

Ten days after Gilad Sha’ar (16), Naftali Frenkel (16), and Eyal Yifrah (19) were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists, the IDF has widened its search beyond Hevron to include most of Judea and Samaria. 

But the IDF front has not just expanded through the Hamas underground, IDF officials revealed Saturday night; it has also extended deep into Israeli soil. 

The Specialized Recoveries unit, as well as Fire and Rescue services, have assisted the IDF in Operation ‘Brothers’ Keeper’ over the past week by digging underground – including, at times, into below-ground cisterns and wadis

The underground search includes the participation of several elite units, officials said, and uses both ATVs and firetrucks. 

The IDF has “left no stone unturned” in finding the missing teens, officials said, and noted that cisterns have been emptied, caves and pits have been searched, and missing persons experts have been dispatched. 

Over 20 holes and streams were excavated as of Saturday night alone, officials added, four of which had been emptied of water. 


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