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svgadminsvgJuly 8, 2014svgNews

IDF Releases Video Explaining Hamas’s Rocket Range

The IDF Spokesperson’s Office released an informative video Tuesday, explaining Hamas’s ever-increasing range of rocket fire and the full impact it could have on Israeli civilians. 

According to the video, Hamas’s current stockpile is capable of hitting more than 40% of the Israeli population – some 3.5 million people. 

Israel launched Operation Protective Edge against Gaza terrorists late Monday night, after over 100 rockets pummeled Israeli civilians in the south and alarms sounded deep into the Israeli heartland.  

Experts stated just before the operation was announced that regardless of Israel’s actions, it was possible that Hamas would expand the range of attacks against Israel and could possibly target Tel Aviv and other cities in central Israel.

Since then, the Home Front Command has raised its alert level for much of central Israel, and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon has declared a ‘special situation’ in the southern region. 

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