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svgadminsvgJune 22, 2014svgNews

IDF Hits Gaza Targets Following Rocket Attack

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) on Saturday night launched airstrikes on several targets in Gaza, in retaliation for rocket fire on southern Israel.

According to an IDF statement, the airstrikes targeted three centers of terrorist activity in southern Gaza, and another terrorist center in central Gaza.

Direct hits were identified, and all aircraft returned safely to their base.

 “The IDF will not tolerate attempts to harm Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers, and will operate against anyone who uses terrorism against the State of Israel,” the statement said.

The airstrikes came hours after a rocket fired by Gaza terrorists exploded in an open region in the Shaar Hanegev region on Saturday night.

There were no physical injuries or damages in the attack.

Saturday night’s airstrikes are the latest Israeli retaliation for a recent steady trickle in rocket fire from Gaza.

On Thursday night, Israeli aircraft targeted several terrorist-related sites in Gaza, hours after the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system shot down a rocket  as it made its way towards the coastal city of Ashkelon.

The rockets from Gaza have been regularly pouring in since the kidnapping of three Israeli youths last week.

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