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svgadminsvgDecember 14, 2013svgNews

IDF Helicopter Gets Mother to Hospital in Time for Delivery

A woman living in the snowbound hilltop community of Yitzhar in the Shomron (Samaria) phoned the town’s crisis center on Shabbat (Saturday) morning and informed them that she is in labor.

The community’s medical team was rushed to the house and advised that she be taken to the hospital immediately.

Within minutes, the IDF joined the Shomron Authority and Yitzhar emergency squads in dealing with the situation as quickly as possible.

IDF’s elite search and rescue unit, Unit 669, sent a helicopter, which followed the emergency team’s instructions and managed to land near the woman’s home. She arrived at the hospital safely and gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

The head of the Shomron Regional Authority, Gershon Mesika, said Saturday evening: “The residents of hilltop communities in the Shomron had a difficult Shabbat. The Regional Authority has operated a non-stop crisis center from the start of the ‘snow attack’ several days ago and will continue doing so until life is back to normal.” 


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