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svgadminsvgJune 26, 2016svgNews

IDF: Hamas planning 100-man tunnel attack

The most serious scenario that the IDF is currently preparing for on the southern front is a multi-pronged “surprise attack by about 100 Hamas men coming out of several terror tunnels simultaneously,” said a military source Sunday.

“We are preparing for this all the time and putting our greatest efforts into it,” he added.

The source said that Hamas has three regiments facing Israel in Gaza. One in the northern part of the coastal strip, another in the central refugee camps and the third in Rafiah (Rafah), on the Egyptian border.

“These regiments are organized and operate as military organizations,” he said. “They have a methodology of war, they have a well-organized control and command structure and they are preparing all the time for a surprise attack like the one in Operation Protective Edge, only bigger.”

Hamas’s central ambition is to take the fighting into Israeli territory, the source explained. Once it is able to do this, it will – but this will not happen soon, he predicted.

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