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svgadminsvgApril 1, 2012svgNews

IDF: Gaza Terrorist Shot Dead

The IDF Spokesman’s Unit said Sunday that an IDF unit identified a terrorist Saturday evening near the central section of the security fence separating Gaza from Israel.

He was spotted as he was digging in the ground. The IDF unit fired at him and identified a hit on target. In the morning, the IDF combed the area and found the terrorist’s body. He had been carrying a Kalachnikov rifle.

No IDF soldiers were hurt.

The IDF Spokesman noted that an IDF force discovered three explosive charges near the security fence separating Gaza from Israel Thursday, near Kibbutz Sufa. The large scale explosives were arranged in a pattern designed to maximize damage to its targets.

“These events are proof that terror elements use the area near the security fence for placing explosive charges, planning terror attacks and carrying out abduction attempts against IDF soldiers,” the spokesman said.

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