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svgadminsvgNovember 2, 2012svgNews

IDF Foils Terror Attack Along Gaza Border

IDF forces were able to foil a terror attack on Friday morning when they opened fire towards a Palestinian Authority Arab terrorist, as he was trying to plant explosives near the security fence in central Gaza.

The terrorist was seriously wounded and evacuated to a hospital in Gaza.

The incident came ten days after IDF soldier Ziv Shilon was seriously wounded during an operation in the Gaza area. Soldiers were engaged in counter-terror activity near the security barrier dividing Gaza from southern Israel, when Shilon was hurt.

An IDF investigation revealed that he was hit by a roadside bomb.

Shilon was later visited by IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, and expressed his desire to return to command and lead his company. The Chief of Staff replied that the only thing Shilon should worry about is his recovery and that he will be able to continue his military service once he is fully rehabilitated.

In an inspiring interview he gave to Channel 2 News last week, Shilon said that he “feels great” and added that if he is able to rehabilitate himself he will return to the army.

“I love my soldiers,” Shilon said. “They have nothing to worry about. The IDF is strong and it will be victorious.”

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