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Peace Man April 11, 2012 News

IDF Foils Bombing

IDF forces on Wednesday morning stopped a would-be terrorist bomber at a checkpoint east of Shechem in northern Samaria.

A spokesperson for the IDF said the terrorist was carrying improvised explosive devices, three knives, and 50 bullets.

A Border Police bomb disposal unit was called in to dismantle the explosives.

The terrorists was stopped and thoroughly searched after soldiers at the checkpoint who were questioning him became suspicious.

He was placed under arrest and handed over to the security services for further investigation.

Israel’s military and security forces were placed on their highest state of alert for the Passover holiday following a rocket attack on Eilat from the Sinai.

Northern Samaria has been a hotbed of terror activities perpetrated by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad organization over the past year.

Last September, the IDF and General Security Services uncovered a series of Hamas terror cells, each in various stages of planning attacks.

One of the cells was responsible for Last April’s Jerusalem bus stop bombing, which killed one and wounded scores more.

In late January, the GSS and Israel Police foiled a shooting attack planned by an Israeli Arab in collaboration with an Islamic Jihad terror cell from Tulkarem in northern Samaria.

Last August, Islamic Jihad terrorists from Gaza were involved in the deadly cross-border ambush of an Israeli civilian bus that left 8 Israelis – 7 of them civilians – dead.

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