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svgPeace MansvgApril 5, 2012svgNews

IDF Chief: Israel Will Reach Those Responsible for Terror Plots

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz warned Thursday that Israel is able to reach every terrorist involved in bombing plots against Israeli targets overseas.
Speaking at a ceremony honoring outstanding officers, Gantz said, “We know the source of these attacks. The terrorists must know that Israel’s long arm will ultimately reach anyone who wishes to harm Israeli civilians and the Jewish people, whether they are in Gaza, Lebanon or anywhere else.”
Gantz told the gathering that Wednesday night’s midnight rocket attack on the Red Sea resort city of Eilat was carried out by terrorist cells operating in the Sinai Peninsula. Israel views the attack “gravely,” he said.
“Anyone who tests us from near or far will find themselves facing a strong and smart military prepared to defend Israel and defeat our enemies.”
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had also underscored Israel’s efforts to block terrorist rocket and mortar attacks emanating from the Sinai Peninsula in a statement to media.
“We are building a fence,” the prime minister noted. “It can’t stop missiles but we will find a solution for that. We will strike those who aim to harm us.”
Israeli officials placed the IDF on its highest state of alert for the Passover holiday, which begins at sunset Friday, in response to the intensified terrorist attacks.

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