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svgadminsvgNovember 27, 2014svgNews

IDF Appoints First Female Navy Captain

The Israel Navy has picked its first woman ship captain ever. Captain Or Cohen, a graduate of several officer’s courses, will be transferred to a warship, where she will take on the position of deputy commander, and at the conclusion of another course she is taking, Cohen will be given her own ship.

Her first berth will be a patrol ship off Israel’s coast, where she will keep an eye on the sea near the coasts of Gaza and Lebanon. She will later be eligible for command of a ship bearing missiles and other weapons, the IDF Spokespersons Office said.

The appointment was announced Wednesday by General Ram Rothberg, Commander of the Israel Navy. “The Navy has taken upon itself to increase the number of women in leadership positions and to increase the responsibilities women are given in battleships and in administration. Captain Cohen was chosen because of her abilities and motivation. This is the first step on her road as a leader of the Navy. We intend to bring more women into the Navy in such positions as well,” he added.

Cohen has considerable Navy experience already; she fought in Operation Protective Edge, and was one of the Navy personnel to raid the Klos-C weapons ship earlier this year. “This is a dream come true for me,” she said. “I appreciate the opportunity that has been given to me.”

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