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svgadminsvgAugust 27, 2012svgNews

IAF Strikes Two Weapons Sites in Gaza

IAF aircraft struck two sites in northern Gaza in which weapons were produced and stored on Monday night, the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.

According to the statement, direct hits were identified and all Israeli aircraft returned safely to their bases.

The attack is a response to high trajectory fire into Israeli territory, said the statement.

“The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israeli citizens and IDF soldiers and will continue to operate against anyone who operates terror against Israel,” said the IDF, adding, “The Hamas terrorist organization is responsible” for any acts of terrorism against Israel.

On Monday morning, Gaza terrorists fired a Kassam rocket on the Sderot area, minutes after students arrived at their classes for the first day of school.

Sderot area students began their lessons by responding to the Color Red siren, which gives them 15 seconds to run for cover before the incoming missile explodes. Monday morning’s Kassam exploded in an open area, reducing injuries to shock and trauma.

Later in the day, Gaza terrorists fired two more Kassam rockets as children were returning home from their first day at school.

The short-range missiles exploded in open areas and caused no damage or physical injuries.

On Sunday morning, Gaza terrorists fired three Kassam rockets on the Western Negev, one of them damaging a building in the industrial area near Sderot. One person was lightly wounded and a second was treated for shock. 

A Salafi terror organization ideologically affiliated with Al-Qaeda later claimed responsibility for Sunday morning’s attack.

The group, which calls itself Majlis Shura Al-Mujahidin, said in an official statement that the reasons it fired the rockets are a military ceremony held at the Cave of the Patriarchs, the continued “Judaization” of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the persecution of Salafi activists in Gaza.

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