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svgadminsvgJanuary 15, 2014svgNews

IAF Strikes in Gaza After Rocket Attack on Ashkelon

Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft targeted terror-related sites in Gaza early Thursday morning, several hours after a rocket barrage targeted the city of Ashkelon.

A statement from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said that a concealed rocket launcher, a weapons storage site and a center of terrorist activity in northern Gaza were targeted.

Direct hits were confirmed, said the statement, which noted that the airstrikes came in retaliation to the rocket attack on Ashkelon earlier in the night.

Terrorists from Gaza fired five rockets at the city, which were intercepted by the Iron Dome anti-missile system before they could hit populated areas.

“The IDF sees as very serious any firing at Israeli territory and will continue to act strongly against anyone who uses terror against the State of Israel,” said the IDF, noting that the Hamas terrorist group which runs Gaza is directly responsible for the attacks.

Wednesday night’s rocket attack follows several attacks on Monday. Gaza terrorists fired two rockets at the Negev Monday afternoon, several hours after the conclusion of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s funeral.

The rockets exploded in an area north of Sderot. There were no physical injuries and no damage reported.

Two weeks ago, Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft struck several targets in Gaza, hitting a terror infrastructure site in central Gaza and three concealed rocket launchers in northern Gaza. All aircraft safely returned to their bases.

The airstrikes came several hours after a rocket launched by terrorists in the Hamas-ruled territory exploded in one of the communities along the Gaza security fence.

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