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svgadminsvgFebruary 25, 2012svgNews

IAF Attacks Terror Targets in Southern Gaza

IAF aircraft attacked terror targets in Gaza on Saturday night, the IDF Spokesperson said.

According to the statement, the aircraft struck a weapon manufacturing site and a smuggling tunnel in southern Gaza.

The aircraft scored direct hits on their targets, and all aircraft safely returned to their base.

The attack came in response to the high trajectory fire into Israeli territory over the weekend. A Kassam rocket exploded earlier on Saturday evening in the Ashkelon Coast Regional Council area. No physical injuries or damage were reported.

Earlier, two rockets fired by Gaza Arab terrorists fell in the same area. No physical injuries or damage were reported in those incidents as well.

Air Force planes took out two terror targets in northern Gaza early on Friday morning. The mission took place in response to increasingly frequent rocket attacks on civilian communities in southern Israel.

The strikes came after Gaza terrorists fired multiple rockets at towns in the western Negev. The rockets sent locals running for shelter, but failed to cause physical injury.

Earlier on Thursday night the IDF was able to foil an attempted attack by hitting a terror cell as it prepared to launch a rocket at southern Israel. Two terrorists were reportedly wounded in the strike.

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