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svgadminsvgJune 17, 2016svgNews

Huckabee: President Trump would be great for Israel

Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas who took part in the Republican primaries, spoke to Israel’s Army Radio in support of presidential candidate Donald Trump and his statements regarding Muslims.

Trump recently called for closing the United States’ borders to Muslims and mocked those who condemned him for it.

“Right here in Israel, Muslims don’t just get to come into Israel without some clearance,” Huckabee said. “In fact, I am not sure that they are allowed to immigrate here at all. So it’s not unusual — when everybody acts like ‘Oh what Trump has said is so amazing,’ it’s not that amazing in Israel. You don’t have open borders to Muslims here.”

Huckabee strongly criticized Obama for refusing to draw a connection between the recent terror attack in a Florida nightclub and radical Islam. “The Obama government has not managed to deal with ISIS, because he doesn’t understand that the problem is radical Islam. It seems like Obama is angrier at Republicans who attack him for this than about the attack itself.

“Trump will be the next president and he will defeat Hillary,” Huckabee promised, insisting that a President Trump would be very good for the State of Israel.

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