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svgadminsvgSeptember 15, 2014svgNews

How Israel Protects ‘Europe’s Achilles Heel’

Mark Langfan, Chairman of Americans for a Safe Israel and Arutz Sheva strategy analyst, delivered the keynote lecture to a packed-house crowd of over 500 attendees at the UN last week at the historic counter-anti-Semitism conference there. Langfan’s presentation demonstrated graphically how Israel is protecting Cyprus, “the Achilles Heel of Europe,” and how Islamic terrorists will fire easily concealed and transported 122mm katyushas from any Palestinian ‘West Bank’ State.

The unprecedented counter-anti-Semitism conference, co-sponsored by the Mission of Palau and the Eng Aja Eze Foundation, was entitled “Global Anti-Semitism: A Threat to International Peace and Security.”

Langfan illustrated numerous points with his trademark specially designed maps, graphics, and diagrams. The most important issue explained is that the modern anti-Semitism of anti-Zionism will bring irreversible military catastrophe to the non-Jewish worlds of Europe and moderate Islam. Specifically, he showed Israel’s strategic value to Europe and to moderate Muslims in protecting Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, and Africa from being overwhelmed by Islamic extremists.

In his presentation, Langfan quoted Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, who had stated the week before that a withdrawal from Judea and Samaria (the ‘West Bank’) would lead to rockets and mortars being fired at Ben Gurion Airport.

Also cited was Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz, who on the day of the conference was reported to has said, “If [what happened in Gaza] repeats itself in Judea and Samaria, this becomes an existential threat. From there, thousands of short-range rockets with 20 kilometer ranges put Tel Aviv, Gush Dan and Jerusalem in range. . . . What constitutes a severe threat in Gaza, becomes an existential threat from Judea and Samaria.”

These quotes gave an immediate news context to his talk. 

Langfan also presented new maps to show the latest range of the newest rockets Hamas is firing and their points of origin: Syria and Iran.

In an interview, Langfan said Hamas’ rockets on Israel were just a “modern-day ‘Kristallnacht.’ And, if we don’t see Gaza’s rockets as a ‘Kristallnacht’ we won’t be prepared for what these Jew-murderers are really planning.” 

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