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svgadminsvgJune 18, 2015svgNews

Hotovely: UN’s Ban is Showing His ‘Outrageous’ Anti-Israel Bias

Responding to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon’s accusations on Thursday that the IDF made Gazan children “suffer” last summer in its counter-terror operation, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) struck back criticizing the remarks.

“The biased and one-sided approach of the UN regarding IDF activities in (Operation) Protective Edge is outrageous,” Hotovely said Thursday night.

“At a time when ceaseless war rages in the Middle East and children are slaughtered on a daily basis, the UN decides to mention Israel in the same breath with states that since long ago have not had any basic human rights,” she continued.

The deputy minister emphasized that the IDF does all it can to protect the lives of civilians in enemy territory, “while Hamas cynically uses children and civilian facilities and intentionally causes harm to the lives of people. The state of Israel will continue to wage its campaign to reveal the truth and will not harm its right to self-defense.”

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor also criticized the UN on Thursday, responding to the UN report on children and armed conflict which was prepared by Leila Zerrougui of Algeria.

Ban said the report showed “the unprecedented and unacceptable scale of the impact on children in 2014 raises grave concerns about Israel’s compliance with international humanitarian law…(and) excessive use of force.”

Prosor responded, saying that Israel asked to provide information for the report but was refused, as Zerrougui relied only on radical anti-Israel groups. The report completely failed to mention Hamas’s role in the impact on children in Gaza.

The ambassador further pointed out that 2% of the report discusses Iraq and Islamic State (ISIS), while 6% of it is dedicated to Syria. Over 10% of the report, though, discusses Israel’s “aggression against children.”

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