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svgadminsvgAugust 19, 2015svgNews

Home of Dalia Lemkos’s Murderer to Be Razed

The security establishment has informed Maher Al-Hashalmoun of Hevron, the terrorist who  murdered 25-year-old Dalia Lemkos Hy”d of Tekoa last November, that it intends to raze his home.

His family has been given 48 hours to file a motion appealing the demolition order. A final date has not yet been set for the demolition, and the family is indeed expected to file an appeal.

The military court in Ofer Prison north of Jerusalem sentenced the Arab terrorist to two life sentences in March, rejecting the Lemkos family’s request for the death penalty.

The terrorist, Maher Al-Hashalmoun of Hevron, intentionally ran over Lemkos at a bus stop outside Alon Shvut in the Gush Etzion region of Judea before getting out of his car and stabbing her to death. He then attacked two other Israelis with the same knife, inflicting wounds before being neutralized and apprehended.

“We have decided to place two life sentences on the accused, one for the murder of the deceased and the second for his additional attempts at murder. These punishments are not enough to provide comfort for the family of the deceased, but they are enough to decry and express revulsion at the acts of the accused,” read the court ruling.

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said Tuesday that he had ordered demolitions of terrorist homes as a deterrent step, in the wake of the surge in terrorism. He noted that there are terrorist stabbing attempts in Judea and Samaria “nearly every day.”

“We will not allow any terrorist organization to hurt soldiers and civilians,” said Yaalon. “We will continue to take various steps against terror. This week, I approved the destruction of more homes of terrorists who have already carried out their plots, as part of the deterrent steps to prevent terror.”

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