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svgadminsvgJanuary 30, 2016svgNews

‘Herzog’s not relevant and must resign’

“If he thinks that the two state solution is not relevant, then he is not relevant and must immediately resign,” said MK Ayman Odeh, the head of the Joint List, about Opposition head Yitzhak Herzog (Zionist Union).

“Bougie [Herzog] is not fit to be the head of the opposition because the essence of this position is to propose alternatives to the government,” Odeh told the audience at a cultural event in Holon today. “Instead of proposing alternatives, he only increases and expands the desperation, and desperation is Netanyahu’s strongest card. Bougie is a pale shadow of Netanyahu and people always prefer the original. In effect, he has become the person who most strengthens Netanyahu’s government.”

The Zionist Union has dismissed the criticism. “Through his comments, Ayman Odeh has joined Bennett and Netanyahu,” read an official statement. “This is how Odeh’s comments sound when he rejects Herzog’s separation plan, which was intended to prevent this great danger. It seems that he would like Bibi to remain in power because this advances his goals.”

MK Shelly Yachimovich (Zionist Union), however, offered her own criticisms towards Herzog: “Even Netanyahu would not have dared make such an extreme statement. It’s clear to all that his comments were a mistake. I think that he was shooting from the hip.”

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