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svgadminsvgOctober 26, 2015svgNews

Herzog: Rabin tried to prevent Israel from becoming ‘Israstan’

Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog (Zionist Union) spoke Monday evening at the special Knesset session held in honor of Yitzhak Rabin’s memory. Rabin was murdered by extremist Yigal Amir on the evening of November 4, 1995. He had been attending a mass rally at the Kings of Israel Square (now Rabin Square) in Tel Aviv, held in support of the Oslo Accords. 

“Rabin tried to prevent Israel from becoming ‘Israstan,’ i.e. hell,” Herzog asserted, adding that “Rabin was ‘Mr. Responsibility. Today’s leadership is just asking ‘who can I give this responsibility to?'”

Herzog stressed that “two states for two peoples” was the only solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict. 

“Whoever considers the fate of Israel as precious must shatter the fantasy of a ‘greater Israel’ in which Jews impose their will on a million Palestinians,” he said. “Whoever considers the fate of Israel as precious must shatter the fantasy that in a (binational) Palestinian-Jewish state, the Jews will be able to live in security.”

“This will not happen.”

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