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svgadminsvgMay 17, 2015svgNews

Herzog Accuses Netanyahu of ‘Buying’ Last Election

Opposition leader Yitzhak Herzog asserted on Saturday night that another round of elections are right around the corner. 

“I estimate that in the next few months, there is the possibility of elections,” Herzog told Channel 10 journalist Nadav Peri on the network’s Central Headquarters program. 

“It’s clear to the Israeli people where we have found ourselves, and that this is a government established in sin – of nepotism, tricks, shticks, and fictitious titles,” Herzog charged. 

The Zionist Union chairman added that he intends to set up a special team of Opposition party leaders to work together to overthrow Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s fourth government. 

“We will work with all the available parliamentary and public tools to break apart the coalition. We will block this coalition in everything it will try to initiate,” Herzog proclaimed. 

During the interview, Herzog once again denied rumors he would join Netanyahu in a unity government in the months to come. 

“That would be huge, after Netanyahu said I lead the anti-Zionist Union and that he would not sit with us, now he wants to sit with us,” Herzog stated, before launching into a vitriolic attack of the Prime Minister and his conduct during March elections.

“I’m not ready to incite against an entire community in Israel, and I’m not ready to buy a victory with lies,” Herzog said in explicit reference to Netanyahu. “I think the public will get used to and eventually turn toward my leadership style.”

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