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svgadminsvgMay 11, 2016svgNews

Haredi MK: I want Jewish Home out of the coalition and Herzog in

Finance Committee chairman Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) revealed in an interview with the haredi Mishpacha magazine that he is actively working to have the Jewish Home party removed from the ruling coalition – and replaced with the leftwing Zionist Union.

“I’m working to have the Jewish Home party taken out of the coalition, and to bring in the Zionist Union,” Gafni said.

Gafni also took the opportunity to blast fellow UTJ member and Health Minister Yaakov Litzman for his cordial relations with Jewish Home chief Naftali Bennett.

“Litzman is selling out our interests,” said Gafni, “he’s not upholding our agreements.”

“He’s friends with people who are destroying the Torah world, and with the head of a party that is not working towards the interests of the haredi [community].”

Litzman dismissed the allegations, telling Mishpacha that Gafni was attempting to distract from problems within the Degel HaTorah faction of UTJ, which Gafni represents.

“Gafni’s bullying gives the impression that what he’s really trying to do is change the subject away from the serious internal problems within Degel. There are some who would rather destroy the team rather than face up to tough questions. Gafni is fighting for the sake of fighting.”

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