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svgadminsvgJuly 8, 2014svgNews

Hamas Vows to Continue Rocket Fire, Bloodshed

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum vowed his terror organization will continue firing rockets on Israel Tuesday, dismissing claims of de-escalation.

“Today there is no intention of relaxation and calm,” Barhoum stated. “Palestinian blood has been spilled.”

“There is no place for talking about peace with the Israeli occupation,” he added. “If they want to protect their entity from Hamas’s missiles, they will have to put an Iron Dome [missile defense system – ed.] on every home in Israel.” 

“The person who determines the price of conflict with Israel is Hamas, who is doing so with its capabilities and arsenal,” he added.

Barhoum also addressed Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s calls for a truce earlier this week. 

“Whoever wants to talk about calm with Israel must bring teenager Mohammed Abu Khder back to life,” he fired. Abu Khder was found dead in the Jerusalem Forest on Wednesday; allegations that the crime was nationalistically-motivated have been linked directly to the increase in rocket fire.

“Anyone who wants to get close [to a ceasefire] must stick to Palestine and Palestinian issues,” Barhoum added, smearing Abbas and Fatah.

Hamas fired over 85 rockets into Israeli soil on Monday, causing “Code Red” alarms to be sounded deep into central Israel. 

Sources said earlier Monday it was possible that Hamas would expand the range of attacks against Israel, and could possibly target Tel Aviv and other cities in central Israel; the news prompted the Security Cabinet to launch Operation Protective Edge, which has seen the IDF pummel more than 50 terror targets in Gaza overnight. 

As of 10:00 am Tuesday, over 170 rockets have been fired into Israel over a 24-hour period, according to the IDF. 

svgIDF Releases Video Explaining Hamas's Rocket Range
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