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svgadminsvgAugust 10, 2015svgNews

Hamas Spokesman Gloats Over Israeli Captives

Hamas spokesman Moussa Abu Marzuk gave an exclusive interview to the terror group’s official website on Monday, where he accused Egypt of leaving behind ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel and revealed new information about Israeli captives. 

“Egypt has not invited the negotiating delegation to Cairo in order to continue talks on cease fire, for Hamas-Egypt relation [sic] witnessed some tension after Egypt accused Hamas of terrorism and interference in internal Egyptian affairs,” Marzuk stated. “However, Hamas and Egypt have now passed this situation, and they initiated a new page of relations through which we hope Hamas delegation will be invited to Cairo.” 

Marzuk denied recent reports of an active ceasefire being negotiated with Israel, stating that there is no “written” agreement on the table yet.

Regarding Israeli civilian captives – a yet-unnamed Israeli Arab and mentally ill 28 year-old Avraham Mengistu – Marzuk stuck to the Hamas claim that both were “soldiers” who deliberately crossed into Gaza.  

“The issue came out to the media to be a scandal that highlighted the discrimination and racism in Israel, and the issue is still developing,” he gloated. 

The Hamas website indicated that Marzuk is seeking more terrorist releases due to Israel’s “disrespect of the first swap deal,” but does not elaborate on what that was. It may refer to reports that the group deliberately tricked Israel earlier this year, by claiming the Ethiopian-Israeli Mengistu was waiting in Gaza for a one-to-one swap – and sending an illegal Eritrean migrant through the border instead. 

Marzuk concluded by addressing Hamas’s relations with the EU, which has reportedly been clandestinely involved in ceasefire talks. 

“The problem with the European Union is related to governments, not to the people,” he cryptically stated. “Our efforts continue in both directions, with those who support the Palestinian Cause or at least stand neutral, in order to stop providing Israeli occupation with money, weapons and political protection.”

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