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admin October 16, 2011 News

Hamas: Shalit Never Saw Captors’ Faces

Hamas sources Saturday evening said kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit will not be able to identify his captors because he never saw their faces during nearly six years in captivity.

“His captors were careful to always be masked,” said the source. Hamas also claimed Shalit will not be able to identify the place where he held prisoner.

On Friday, it was reported by Egyptian officials Hamas had transferred Shalit to their territory in preparation for the exchange.

Shalit’s captors are reportedly concerned about exposing his location as the date of the exchange draws near.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to welcome Shalit home at a military base in central Israel, immediately upon his return. It is not yet clear whether Defense Minister Ehud Barak will attend the event.

After meeting with Netanyahu, Shalit will attend a brief military ceremony before being taken home. The Defense Ministry is expected to grant Shalit, whose physical and psychological conditions is unknown, disabled veteran status.

Meanwhile, Israel’s Prison Service completed the preparations for the evening perform the first step in the Shalit deal by moving the first 477 security prisoners to be exchanged for Shalit to Ketziot prison, and publishing a list of all 1,027 security prisoners to be released.

Some 450 of the security prisoners listed have been convicted of terrorism charges. At least 28 of those have blood on their hands, including the blood of Israeli soliders.

President Shimon Peres must sign petitions of clemency for each terrorist to be released prior to the exchange. He has agreed to do so saying he neither forgives the terrorists crimes, but is merely signing to secure Shalit’s freedom.

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